I have an ex who has become a very good friend of mine recently. I didn't talk to him for 3 years after we broke up but he ended up working with me and it turns out we still get along really well. My boyfriend mean while said it's okay if I hang out with him, then about a month ago he brought up it being a problem for him.
I don't want it to bother my boyfriend that I'm friends with my ex, but he is just a friend and a good one. I would never date him again, he is my ex for a reason and he knows that.
My boyfriend is not normally a jealous person but he apparently has an issue with this. My opinion is that he needs to have some faith in me, he knows my ex too, and my boyfriend should realize that neither of us would want to hurt him.
So there's a woman's perspective on this for you, it's a slightly different situation but you get the idea.
My life is one of those 'you had to be there' jokes.