Vitamin D supplementation
My uncle takes a large amount of vitamin D supplements. He's over 50, white, but I see absolutely no need for him to do so. He even suggested that I needed to take supplements. Here I am, pale and living in Florida of all places, and I need a supplement? That's ludicrous. Are my kidneys shutting down, am I Indian/African living in the British Isles, do I have rickets? This is just another example of the hysteria and misunderstanding caused by medical disinformation propagated to the general public.
I can't wait to see how many people here have fallen prey into that and will attack me with "you're not a doctor," "what do you know," etc. Never mind my extensive knowledge and intelligence, or easily passing USMLE Step 3 material... NPR vegan spokespersons know far more.
Become an organ donor