Originally Posted by something red
Klitschko vs Brewster #1 was a bit like that. As was Corrie Sanders vs Klitschko (Vladamir, not Vitali). Corrie Sanders was small and flabby, but, boy, does that man pack a punch.
I should have worded my original reply better. I was looking for "the champ" taking on "lesser" opponents, and just squashing them. In Fedor's case, it seems like his management is intentionally having him face lesser opponents just to keep making Fedor a monster. Its like they don't care about him proving to the world that he is better than everyone, just coasting on the reputation he had in Pride FC.
Thanks for the recommendations though, that Sanders fight was pretty damn exciting to watch! It reminded me of the recent Gonzaga vs CroCop match. Brewster/Klitschko #1 had a better finish though.