I own both an Xbox 360 and a Wii. Playing Wii sports is highly addictive, but quitting is just as easy. I haven't played with the console since March or April, I think.
When it comes to the games available, I personally despised Wario Ware, but only barely got started playing Zelda. I love Wii tennis and boxing, though.
Elebits was boring, and I imagine most of the other games are the same way.. I like puzzle games (TETRIS), and I have yet to see one advertised for Wii that gets my attention enough to buy it.
I have a 360 largely because of its online connectivity. Wii is really the most fun when you're playing against another person (usually in the same room), and though you can have "friends" online, the technology to play games against people online hasn't yet been developed. If that was complete, I probably wouldn't own a 360.
I got a 360 largely for my weakness for Halo. I really don't play games that much, but they're useful for rainy, miserable days when I have someone over to entertain. I'm competitive, and playing a game tends to be more interactive than watching TV or a movie. I haven't yet set my 360 up in my school apartment so I don't ruin my GPA in my last quarter. I'm good at resisting the pull of games.. so sometimes I really wonder why I have them to begin with.