Originally Posted by Baraka_Guru
Bootcamp is no longer beta in Leopard. It's official release part of the preload. 
I know, which is one of the big reasons I want to upgrade.. but I'm happy with Tiger, so I'm not sure I'm into spending the money. I did install Parallels on my MacBookPro, but it doesn't work quite as well as I wanted it to (and luckily, it was a gift), so I just quit messing with it and just use Windows through Bootcamp.
One of the reasons I'm reluctant to upgrade is that I will have to go through calling Microsoft AGAIN to get a working key for my copy of Windows because I will need to re-install it. When I installed Parallels I had to do that, and it took a good 15 minutes for the person to agree to give me a key. Buh.
If I was a bigger gamer, I might have a windows desktop again. I sold mine after I got my PowerBook G4, and honestly.. I don't really miss the gaming. This machine is more than capable of handling the games I'd like to play if I ever want to buy them (i.e. Spore) and install them on Windows.. but I probably won't. I have an Xbox 360 AND a Wii, so if I really want to play games, I am more than capable. I'd just rather be outside!
An ex of mine had Vista preloaded on a powerful laptop he bought. It ran games really well.. but Vista still isn't compatible with a lot of programs (and some games) so he dealt with frustrating crashes a lot. I also heard a lot about issues with downloaded "unofficial" files/programs in Vista around this time last year.. I don't know if any of that has been fixed or addressed, but I sure hope Microsoft gets it together soon.