Roach, I watched The Fifth Element a few years ago. I liked it, but I hate Bruce Willis. He almost ruined Pulp Fiction for me too. I just can't get past him. Except in The Sixth Sense because he wasn't trying to be a tough ass. I just hate that character role he usually gets.
Ok, so I rented 3 movies earlier this week. And all three were good. Such a rarity, I've been called the Queen of Bad Movie Picks in my past. Somehow, I outdid myself. I enjoyed every movie. The first 2 I've already reviewed.
Dead and Breakfast
2 eyes open and a purchase...

That's 10/10
I loved this movie. It is great! A wonderful campy horror flick, that makes fun of itself. The case said America's answer to Shaun of the Dead. I wouldn't go that far because that movie is a classic in the genre. This one was good in a different way though. They had the scenes separated by cheesy songs like in
There's Something About Mary. And there's a head hand puppet. The script is brilliantly written for this genre. There are many jokes that are more innuendos and passed over by the characters. It was nice to laugh watching a horror flick because it was funny, usually it's because it's ridiculous. This is just a bad movie that turned out to be hilarious and awesome.