Originally Posted by shesus
Ooo, then there are the suburban soccer moms. You know what I'm talking about. High waisted, taper legged jeans (aka mommy jeans), big poofy hair, and what is first on their priority list? The children of course. Usually seen in a huge SUV or a Town and Country van (aka Mom Taxi) driving her kids to a million extra-curricular events because their children are geniuses and need to be well-rounded. They have a happy exterior, but are bitter inside of all they have missed out on, although they will never admit that.
Ew, gross-out! lol
Oh me? Well, I'm the teacher of course. I spend hours doing cutesy shit and love apples. Teddy bears make me melt. I wear denim jumpers and tend to be very frumpy. I would never use profanity, in fact I'm quite prim and proper. Kids are my business and gee aren't they precious. Yep, that's me...I'm a stereotypical, white teacher.
Man, I laughed for like 10 minutes when I read this.
Also: note for pig, and others: the term itself does not contain any racial slurs or epithets.
I think I've decided it's more like it feels unnecessarily insensitive, even though the practice IS really annoying... and the whole race thing is just because it pertains to one race. Most of the reason I didn't mention the name of the thing is because my larger interest was in whether or not people would find it acceptable to label if a stereotype wasn't a stereotype, but actually true.
I like the responses.