Originally Posted by Charlatan
The love may not compare to the love you know when you are older, but that is just experience and time.
It only stands to reason that the love you felt when you were a teenager is going to be different from what you feel, say, 20 years later. This is owing to personal experience and more time to develop the love you have for someone you've been with for 20 years.
I don't think that devalues the love a teenager feels. It's just different.
Even if you haven't been with the same person for 20 years, the love you feel differs from relationship to relationship.
Sure, I was in love with my high school boyfriend, and the boyfriend after that, and the boyfriend I have now. But they were all different, and different degrees of love, and through loving them (or learning not to love them, as the case may be), I changed, and so the love I love for someone else after them will never be the same.
As I've gotten older, and my heart has gotten decidedly more bruised and world-weary, the love I have for my significant other has grown in its depth and breadth, because I realize now what a wonderful thing I have. Junior high kids have nothing to compare their love experience to, but we shouldn't hold that against them.
We should do just as my mother did for me, sort of smile and laugh, and know they'll know what we know someday.