Just so you know, Kubuntu mounts all drives as read only so that it won't do any damage to them unless you really want to.
I'm not sure the exact commands you will need to get it running in Kubuntu, but I believe in Knoppix, there should be an option to "Remount this Read-Write" somewhere that doesn't seem quite so strange. This should let you mount the external USB drive read/write, so you can put files onto it.
If you can't find that option, you can always do it the hard way and open up a terminal.
"sudo mount" that will show you everything that you have mounted, for a USB drive, it should be /dev/sda1 or something of that sort (/dev/hda is going to be your first IDE internal drive, unless it is sata...). After you figure out the device name (the part that starts with /dev/) the other part on that line that looks like a directory is the mount point "/mnt/blahblah", you can remount it using this command:
"sudo mount -o remount,rw /dev/sda1 /mnt/blahblah" replacing /dev/sda1 with the device name of the external drive, and /mnt/blahblah with the name of the mount point.
However, another option may just be to throw that drive into your other computer, windows should pick it up right off the bat and you should be able to copy to the external drive without any futzing around.