Hello there, piscophiles, aquarists, minions of the scaled ones, innsmouthers, and assorted fishkeepers. I've searched and found that there are a number of folks out there who have a fair amount of water in glass boxes about their houses. Post your finned friends and their homes here.
I'll get this started with the Loach Motel (50 breeder, 5 Botia kubotai, 3 Weather Loaches, 1 Nemacheilus masyae, 8 Red Eye Tetras, 1 male Ancistrus. Plants: Bacopa carolinia, Hygrophilia corymbosa, H. difformis, Cabomba carolinia, Saggitaria subulata v. dwarf, Cryptocoryne wendtii, C. parva, Nymphae stellata, Java Moss and Java Fern)
That's tank 1 of 10 or so. Lets see what kind of traction this thread gets and maybe I'll post some more.