Originally Posted by highthief
I'm curious as Americans often speak of something being in (guns) or not in (healthcare) the Constitution - just because something is or is not there does that preclude things changing? You have amended your constitution many times but some people reference the constitution in a biblical manner - i.e., if it's not in the Constitution then it doesn't really matter.
Most of the developed world considers accessible, relatively equitable and affordable healthcare to be a fundamental right or something close to it - perhaps the best way for this to change in the US would be to get the constitution amended and put the matter to bed.
Might that happen one day?
Healthcare may not be a constitutional right, but then neither is free universal education. I wonder if Cyn would oppose that were it under consideration. It doesn't really matter if it's in the constitution because Congress is free to pass a LAW providing for a national health care program at any time. In fact that's exactly what they did in the 60s (for certain groups) with Medicare and Medicaid. Providing universal healthcare would not have been considered within the scope of the federal government until roughly 1950, but it could certainly be done by legislation now. I personally would be all for an amendment making healthcare a constitutional right, but it's such a loaded topic and so difficult to pass an amendment it won't be happening anytime soon.
Fortunately there is better hope for individual states. There are several states currently considering universal health insurance. I have no doubt it will happen within a few years in California at least.
I guess I'm supposed to answer the questions too.
1. Yes, there is clearly a problem. Vast numbers of people have poor healthcare because they don't have enough money to buy into the current system.
2. No. There are too many entrenched interests that benefit from the status quo.
3. All citizens should be guaranteed a basic level of health coverage, essentially national health insurance, financed directly by the federal government or by the states with federal assistance, funded by the progressive federal income tax. Private health coverage could still be applied to care beyond the basic level.
4. Because I believe in a universal human right to life and good healthcare is critical to sustaining it. In this age, in the richest country in the world, no one should be without a decent standard of living.
5. Congress and the states.
6. Contact my representatives and encourage others to do the same.