Well, I left Edwards for Biden because I liked Biden's message, his experience and what I have read about him as a decent man who has mucho respect from both parties.
I guess it's back to Edwards and working my butt off to help him in any way I can.
I don't see Obama taking New Hampshire and S. Carolina is going to be an Edwards/Obama horse race..... Michigan I see now going to Edwards by blowout, I see Edwards taking quite a bit and surprising everyone, he truly has a great platform and message of hope, strength and growth.
Obama's only hope is getting the youth to vote, and Clinton is dead in the water.
I look for an Edwards/Clinton ticket and that is the winning ticket.... I would never vote for Hilary for President but I can handle her as VP.
The 2 big exit poll questions that show me Edwards can win it all:
Cares about people like me 44% (20 over Obama and 22 over Hilary)
Has the best chance to win in November 36% (6 over Hilary and a HUGE 13 over Obama)
Those 2 are what the nation as a whole I think will vote on in the future primaries and I believe Edwards to be control those 2 aspects.
The Clinton war machine is in trouble, they focus too much on Obama and quite possibly will destroy him..... I don't see them having anything to destroy Edwards with, nor would they want to as I think he's her only hope on the ticket at all.... (yet, nothing that shrill bitch does surprises me.) Plus, in '04 the GOP/Bush mudslingers could never find a damned thing on Edwards. That says something right there about the man.....maybe he doesn't have any skeletons that bad.
Great showing by the man some people expected would finish 4th.
On the GOP side, the Dem in me likes to see Huckabee win because that means the Dems can run on "separation of church and state" against him and crush him. But, part of me is saddened because that is not the way to win it should be because platform is better.
Ron Paul, Mitt Romney are the GOP "true electables" and only hope to win come Nov.
I think with this win it's all but over on the GOP side and it will be a Huckabee/Romney ticket.....
I think if Paul is left off (and I believe he will be), you'll see maybe a Ron Paul/ John McCain combo ticket and you'll see a Perot effect destroying the GOP's White House hopes or a Ron Paul/Bill Richardson ticket where both they show a Bipartisanship flavor and take enough votes away from both parties to have a true mess and President elected with an under 45% popular vote (and that ticket may actually win).
This could be a very, very interesting election and one that no matter who wins the whole course of the nation could change very swiftly.
I just love people who use the excuse "I use/do this because I LOVE the feeling/joy/happiness it brings me" and expect you to be ok with that as you watch them destroy their life blindly following. My response is, "I like to put forks in an eletrical socket, just LOVE that feeling, can't ever get enough of it, so will you let me put this copper fork in that electric socket?"
Last edited by pan6467; 01-04-2008 at 01:23 AM..