Couple I've seen over the past week...
Rush Hour 3 - 6/10
I haven't read a lot of good reviews myself, but I enjoyed it quite a bit. I (and probably at most two other people on this planet) enjoy Chris Tucker, so I didn't mind him at all, which most seem to. Gotta take it for what it is and ignore the plot holes (I guarantee you they exist more than usual). Plot isn't that strong, though I didn't expect it to be that interesting. Watched it mostly because I enjoyed the first two films.
I Am Legend - 8/10
Very good movie in my opinion. I am a fan of Will Smith and I think his acting definitely delivers in this movie. The overall plot of it is something that I thought was very cool too, the CG was pretty good, and I thought it flowed pretty nicely - though a little slow in the beginning I thought. I'd highly recommend this movie to about anyone.
National Treasure 2 - 4/10
I think my biggest problem with this is I sat down to watch it expecting too much. I was extremely disappointed in this movie. It didn't seem really original to me, way too much like the first and a lot of the stuff in the movie seemed pretty corny to me, along with plot holes in the movie that were just too big to ignore. Even trying to take this movie for what it was and not think too much about it, I couldn't enjoy it.