Doesn't look like much meat, not to mention that rats must be cooked VERY well considering how often even farmed rats are disease ridden. This would make the meat tough unless cooked as above in a "braised" manner. Rats are closely related to porcupines, which means that they could be used in recipes that include porcupine, which usually means Greek and Italian food (or bushfood, but that's not exactly cuisine). Whereas the porcupine liver is a delicacy, I would not recommend eating rat liver.
I would do the following:
6-8 rats
Black Pepper
Kosher Salt
1 Green Onion
1 Wild Leek
3 Cloves Garlic
4 Mushrooms of your choice
4 Cups Water
Virgin Olive Oil
Start by getting farmed rats from a reputable source. Remove head, tail, paws, and entrails, discard. Wash the meat very carefully inside and out.
In a pot saute onion, leek, garlic, and mushrooms until not quite brown. Add water and bring to a simmer. Add rats. Leave for 45 minutes at a low simmer, covered. Strain 1/2 of the water and lightly salt and pepper to taste.
I'm thinking a good riesling, but frankly this one is up in the air. Serves 2-3.