I've always seen the politics forum as a giant circle jerk. Nothing is ever conceded, nothing ever seems to be truly "learned", as no one ever seems to be open to changing or expanding viewpoints.
I know a good number of people say "oh well I change opinions and learn all the time". Yeah, that's not really true. Maybe on tiny shit that never matters, but the big ones never change. I've never seen someone really change their mind on guns, abortion, immigration, their real political leanings, Iraq, Iran, etc., etc., etc.
Sometimes feelings broaden, like someone gets "looser" or "tighter" on gun control laws or immigration, but the real opinions never actually change.
At the very least, discussion is about learning from each other... Tilted Politics never, ever seems to be about more than people trying to prove they're right. That's not discussion. I don't really ever see actual discussion in there. It's mostly posturing, holding the party line, and trying to browbeat others into agreeing with them.
However, I still think our forum is more civil about it all than any other politics forum I've come across. That doesn't mean ours is important, but at least we have a fairly mature group of people (most of the time) who can manage to shove their opinions down others' throats with more civility than people on other sites.