Every morning in the shower, I blow my nose after everything is loosened up by the hot steam. You'd be amazed at how much a good old-fashioned farmer's blow/snot rocket will get out, and as long as you clean it up it's not going to bother anyone. Blowing into tissues is great, but it just can't compare to getting it all out in the shower when it's all softened up by steam and hot water.
Sudafed works wonders, even if you have to deal with asinine federal laws that make your life miserable trying to get it. I thought I had run out, but I found a box in the medicine cabinet this morning and the feeling was along the lines of what it would be like to be Indiana Jones finding the Holy Grail. Combine with some Mucinex or other guaifenesin supplement, and you'll clear right up.
If nothing else, letting hot water run over your face soothes the sinuses and helps the pain, and will make your nose run after a bit.
Originally Posted by analog
drink PLENTY of water. lots. A lot of people say "I drink tons of water" but almost no one actually does. For the record, healthy men should drink about 3 Liters of beverage (water or whatever) in a day, and healthy, non-pregnant women should get 2.2 Liters. Illness increases your body's demand for hydration, and better hydration also helps your body fight off illness (this does not apply to some kidney, liver, adrenal, and heart diseases, which may actually be exacerbated by excess water intake).
Water helps keep the mucus more viscous, and then it drains easier/is easier to clear out. This only helps, but it's a great idea in general anyway.
This is important. As long as you keep it within reason, you'll piss out extra water if your body doesn't need it.
Originally Posted by dlishsguy
im sure u could find the salt:water ratio online. but its true what u said about snorting it too high.. never had an infection.. just wondering how salt water can cause an infection though?
Sure, salt kills most stuff, but being from the other side of the world, you've probably never smelled Long Island Sound. Plenty of nasty shit can survive salt water.
Originally Posted by Shauk
Wasabi... lots of it. apply directly to tongue. your nostrils will clear right up. haha.
It's best if you get the real stuff and not the paste they pass off to Americans as Wasabi. Burns while it's on your tongue, but once it's gone, the burning stops almost immediately.