Originally Posted by JinnKai
I think perhaps the circumstances were abused to appoint individuals, enact certain laws, and ensure the power of certain individuals, but I do believe that terrorists crashed planes into the Twin Towers. I personally find a conspiracy such as "controlled demolition" (and similar explanations) to be quite ludicrous.
All of your quoted articles point to an abuse of power before, during, and following the attacks, but do not point to the actual "story" of 9/11. I'm not surprised that politicians would abuse a natural disaster to garner support for their political causes, nor am I surprised that they would mislead their constituents and peers in order to further aggregate their power.
I think that "evidence" that similar simulations had occurred prior to or during the 9/11 attacks is evidence only in retrospect; I expect that drills of these sorts happen regularly, and quite frankly I expect individuals who claim to support domestic security to be doing such training exercises.
But that has nothing to do with what actually happened ON 9/11. I can believe in terrorist-filled 747s without simultaneously absolving politicians of wrongdoing, as you seem to imply with the title of this thread.
Thank you for your response, JinnKai. I really want to avoid speculating what actually did happen on 9/11. I am alarmed because of a comparison of the official story, and what has been disclosed since to discredit it.
As the OP lead in states:
Here is "the evidence" that white house, defense, CIA, and FAA officials did not make a sincere effort to disclose accurately, the events leading up to, and during the attacks on 9/11.
If you do not think that there is enough evidence that the official story is flawed and contradicted to the point that it is compromised, please post your opinion on what you would need to see, in addtion to the following, to raise doubts in your mind that would be great enough to change your opinion:
I think if we attempt to keep responses within the above limits, we can better determine the consensus of the membership at TFP. Has the elected government and it's appointees been sincerely forthcoming about the events that define it's entire seven year tenure, or not?