Because of issues with a dying small 6 year old computer, I made the very painful decision to buy anew. My new machine is an HP m8200n media center-dual processors, 3g RAM, 500g HD.....and Vista.
I asked if it could be downgraded to XP and it would have cost quite a bit over and above what I paid and was told that MS would not be making any more drivers, improvements or programs for it.
Well, shit.....I haven't purchased new software in over 3 years. I have Dreamweaver(MX2004), Flash, Photoshop 7 , ferchrissakes, Illustrator CS, Indesign and a truckload of plugins for this stuff......
Furthermore, Adobe is being prickish and not offering up any updates for their software-essentially forcing people to A) pay through the nose for new software or B) pirate it.
According to a couple of sites I found and the geeks at the store, although Adobe isn't offering updates, MS will be by the end of January and the software will run, just not optimally.
We are at the mercy of conglomerates once again.....