1) Is there a problem, and if yes what is the problem?
The present health care system in the US has a number of serious problems. In addition to the number of uninsured that Will cited, and the ever rising costs from a profit based system mentioned by dk, I wish to add that the current cost of insurance is primarily shouldered by our US companies. It has become clear that this extra burden has negatively impacted our ability to compete in the world market and has driven many of our business sectors to other countries to reduce costs. Current job growth in the US is generally made up of low paying service sector jobs without paid insurance, which grows the number of the uninsured.
3) What is the best way to fix it?
I believe the best solution is Universal Health Care (UHC) with a single payor. We already have UHC for our senior citizens and our veterans so a very effective model exists. The current economic boogy man is "socialism" when discussing UHC, but we have other institutions created for the common good that have not sent our republic into some vaguely defined economic evil.
4) Why
Despite what Big Pharma would have us believe, Medicare and the VA provide health care far more efficiently and less costly than our current for profit system. UHC would also reduce the number of uninsured and the huge cost that this population creates in late treatment in an unpaid emergency room situation. Escalating costs far exceeding inflation would also be reduced because Big Pharma advertising costs ("Do you have ED?") cease to serve the profit goal.
5) Who is in a position to enact this change?
I agree with others that increasing pressure on our elected officials is necessary, BUT not sufficient. Big Pharma finances the campaigns of most of them and that will not change until public financing of elections becomes more than election year "talk."
I believe that a bottom up "war plan" is necessary to combat the expected fight with Big Pharma. They have the money and a clear, factual message is needed to combat the money. If enough people are marching down the road, an important and savvy political figure will jump in front to "lead" the parade.
6) What can I do to make this change?
What I can do other than contacting my congressional representatives, is to garner support from existing political entities that have far greater power to produce the financing of the message to cause effective change. I can also lobby for an improvement in health care in Washingston State, but we are a long way from meeting what Massuchusetts has done. All politics are local may to true to an extent, but this is a national problem and must be solved at that level. I can also encourage my circle of business owners, our employees, and vendors to get active in an issue that greatly effects all of us. Just stop and think for a moment what might happen if business owners are no longer saddled with employee health insurance, and medical costs overall are reduced. The economic boost to the US would be just one of the many benefits.
Edit: Oops. I missed one, but I think it safe to say that I don't think this problem is going to improve on its own. It is already evident that our current free market, for profit system cannot solve our health care problems.
"You can't ignore politics, no matter how much you'd like to." Molly Ivins - 1944-2007
Last edited by Elphaba; 12-31-2007 at 05:52 PM..