1) Is there a problem, and if yes what is the problem?
Yes, health care costs are out of control and our polititians are reluctant to do anything about it since they are paid off by the industry. Many in the health care industry are profiting nicely and want to keep things as they are. Our polititians don't care all that much since they and their families have great health care coverage (at our expense).
2) Is it likely to work itself out?
No, too many corrupt polititians and many people do not care since they have decent coverage from their employer with low co-pays. After the co-pay many do not care what the overall cost is. Oddly enough it seems that the only ones trying to keep costs down are the insurance companies (which is scary).
3) What is the best way to fix it?
If some way cannot be found to make the industry more competitive then the only alternative is probably to treat health care like national defense and make it universal.
4) Why (explain your answer)?
Because currently I do not see much competition and this results in many middle class families being one illness away from total financial ruin. Hospital charges especially seem to be outragious. Some say it is due to too much government interference and taking a hands off approach may foster more competition but I'm not so sure. Universal health care would be very expensive but like national defense may be necessary and there seems to be some success in other countries with this approach.
5) Who is in a position to enact this change?
Voters, I guess.
6) What can I do to make this change?
A good start may be to refuse to vote for polititians who basically want to maintain the status quo. Which means most of the current politians.