Originally Posted by Strange Famous
let me say this...
The "people of the book" have never been stronger
Whether a few dis-affected American college students reject God, it is not a world wide trend.
Hmmm....this thread is certainly all over the place. This first point, I think, is somewhat new in the theism/atheism threads around here. I can't really speak to all the people of the book, or how strong they are, or whether you include Islam in that or only the Christians and Jews, or perhaps only the Jews. Regardless, I really don't know how to contextualize that comment. What exactly do you mean by this? Just mildly curious.
As for the second part...I don't think that atheism can accurately be portrayed as a movement like the LUG (Lesbian Until Graduation) concept. Most people I know who identify as atheists now were
way too scared of being isolated during college to self-identify as atheists.