Skipping breakfast is a bad idea, especially if you're trying to loose weight. You won't be able to work out with any effect with low blood sugar. 5lbs in a week is pretty huge; despite your empirical experience, I would have thought it near impossible. I'll venture to guess that the OJ was entirely unnecessary (high calorie, you can get vitiamin C elsewhere) and that your oatmeal wasn't low fat.
Do some research into nutrition and digestive processes. Yes, people have vary different metabolic rates, but I'm going to side with other TFPers and the trainer at your gym. As long as you believe that modern nutritional science doesn't apply to you, you're going to plateau.
And you need to increase the number and duration and type of your workouts, as previously mentioned.
Edit: Re soft drinks. A bunch of people will tell you to cut out even diet pop. I'm torn on this because it fills you up and provides the sweet. I have no problem with aspartame, etc. Some people do, but rely on very dubious sources. Keep in mind, however, the diet pop with caffeine still has caffiene, which is a diuretic, which could contribute to dehydration and is generally creating opposition to your health regime. Personally I have coffee every morning and a diet pepsi or two in the afternoon.
Last edited by Bossnass; 12-31-2007 at 08:39 AM..