Originally Posted by World's King
If you don't wanna use one then don't.
Then be mature enough to deal with whatever happens next. Be it child or your dick falling off.
I have to agree this is a good rule of thumb to follow. I am very choosy about whom I have relations with. I would also discuss any strong convictions you may or may not have about handling any unexpected pregnancy etc. If you are absolutely against abortion etc.
I would also recommend both parties do complete STD testing beforehand. Women in particular due to the nature of their body parts can harbor infections while not having symptoms. It would be awful to discover an infection months into a relationship. Leaving one to wonder was it always there before the relationship? Or was he/she cheating on me?
To me, all this would be well worth it. Even as a female I think "wrapping it" takes away from the full experience. It is just not the same. If you cannot wait until getting the testing done, sure condoms are an alternative. Personally, I would not want to feel my partner wrapped and I think most men can agree that it feels much better naturally.