Originally Posted by Sedecrem
I am a strong Atheist and Scientist, and would like Theism to be eliminated.
First of all. Why? Not believing in something is no good reason to simply not want its existence why eliminate something that makes other people happy? That being said i am seeing a fine line that isn being recognized and that is the difference between Organized religion and theism. You can believe in a god without believing in a specific religion and everyone seems to be completely grouping those 2 things together. I agree that religion should be abolished but I also know that it never will. I feel it should be because since the begging of religion and civilization really religion has been the root cause for most of the wars in the history(not all). However, some people need to believe in something powerful and above them which is why religion will never die. Religion isnt all bad either it can teach some very good morals and lessons that can turn peoples lives around this why many help groups aer religiously based (AA and all such groups). So it wouldnt be best if atheism or thesim were eliminated the best option would be to have them in harmony with each other.