I think this is pretty much like picking up a policeman posing as a hooker...even then, the 'john' has to verbalize that he wants money for sex. The 'hooker-cop' can't say "Hey, wanna blow job for 20 bucks?" That, in my understanding, makes it entrapment.
So, in this case, if the guy had whipped it out, without the girl asking him to, that would be one thing...but much like the hooker-cop making the offer, when the topless girl asked to see the guy's johnson, that is the deal breaker.
As for the police believing they were in the right when arresting the man in the park...the only thing I can figure is that if the guy knew, or should have known, that showing his weenie in public, even upon request, was illegal, he should have said (when she asked to see it...) "I'd love to babe, but let's not do it in the public park."
I still think that there are things going on that deserve the police department's attention much more so than a guy showing his wanker to a full grown woman that asked to see it.