I'd hardly call solution centric discussion status quo. In fact, I'd say it's a rarity. It's less about getting along and more about asking yourself "Why am I posting here?". When I ask myself that question, the answer I arrive at is: to learn, to teach, and to solve problems.
Militancy doesn't work on a forum because there's nothing to blow up. You can't have a sit in. Civic disobedience (breaking the forum rules?) really would have no effect on the discussion. The only thing that has a hope of working is rational, well supported cases. The only time militancy would work in a forum would be if there was a problem with the forum that needed addressing. Say, hypothetically, there was a mod who was a complete jackass and who banned people for no good reason and he/she was protected by the admins and owner. Then a little civil unrest would make sense to bring about change. The problem is that that's not the case. The things that you and I may seek to change are only reflected in the micro-community of TFP. The Huey Long contingent would only work in the real world to solve real world problems.