So, here's Clavus' thread:
Nice. :-)
Read his, and here's how mine was, for comparison:
I didn't take the valium. Maybe this was a mistake, maybe not. But, I wanted to drive there and back, because it was more convenient, and I generally don't like being 'out of it'. So, I get to the office, and do the waiting room thing. Paid my $25 copay. Then a nurse came out and took me down to 'the room'. She discussed how things would work, and left the room while I dropped trou. I laid down on the table and put the sheet in place. The nurse came back in, and did all the various prep work, then scrubbed in and we waited for the doc. He came in, checked the notes, and scrubbed in, then they got to work. He did the local anesthetic thing, warning me not to move. It hurt about like a flu shot does. He waited a few seconds, then got to work. Washed the twins off with some water, then did the snippy. Didn't feel a thing. "This is gonna be a piece of cake!", I thought, and relaxed. Turned out I was *wrong*. Apparently (according to the doc), the nerves for the vas run up into the abnominal cavity, and there's no way to numb that. So, when he started tugging, it hurt a good bit. About like being kicked in the nads 'gently'. Not as bad as a full on knee-to-the-nads-I-just-want-to-die-now kick, but not very pleasent, either. He yanked the vas out, and cut that. Then he did some more business (clipping them, I think). Then he got out the cauterizer thing. Whee. Buzz, sizzle, sizzle..."is someone burning bacon?" I didn't feel the cauterizing at all though. After the first one was done, he went for another shot of the anesthetic. This time, I said "I felt a little prick that time.". The Dr.'s response: "Yeah, we try to avoid that term in this profession, but you said it, not me."
Ha. Funny guy. :-)
The second went about the same as the first...another gentle kick in the cajones, snip snip, clip clip, sizzle sizzle. He got everything tucked back in and in place, then stitched me back up.
A bit of gauze, and we're done. They make sure I'm ok, leave the room for a bit so I can get dressed again, and come back for the post-op instructions.
Last night wasn't really too bad. I just stayed put all evening and let the wife wait on me. This morning's shower was a little rough...I'm still pretty tender after that, and I think I'm just gonna hold the couch down all day today.
So, painwise, it wasn't that bad for me. I'm just feeling very, very, very delicate. I'm not in pain now, but I can only imagine the pain if I tried to do *anything* active. So I'm just gonna sit pretty for awhile.