Originally Posted by Elphaba
Issmmm, you might get a better response to this topic if you place it in Humor or Nonsense. Politics tends to be very serious about assassinations of world leaders.
I didn't mean it as a joke, but more as a lighthearted poke at Hollywood and how callous and jaded that industry is. If anyone got the impression that I was making light of Benazir Bhutto's death, I apologize. I know little of her politics, except that she followed her father into politics and eventually like him held the highest office in Pakistan. My prayers are with her family and her constituents.
What I wanted to say, hopefully more clearly, was this:
It occurred to me that at each major event world wide, whether tragic or cause for celebration, there was a rush to turn it into a made for TV movie. At least that has been the case in recent years and here in the states. I wondered who would be tapped to play such a role as Ms. Bhutto. Who looked sufficiently ethnic and could affect an accent. Who could give the portrayal of such a woman in such a time and situation the respect it deserved? The woman who came to mind was the one I mentioned. Her acting chops weren't a factor, her appearance was. She is an ethnic looking woman. I wouldn't guess at which ethnicity, it's just she doesn't look like the typical caucaziod actress who is likely to get the role. She is attractive enough as Bhutto was a good looking woman, even in her latter years. That thought extrapulated and the question was borne.
I wanted to post and probe the collective mind of TFP. I suppose I was a bit flippant describing the other characters, a little tongue in cheek.
Thing is someone is going to make the movie. And it is going to be rancid, putrid, low budget trash. It will profess to pay tribute to Ms. Bhutto, but it will be most offensive in it's attempt.
So my sad little rant was aimed at the capitalist system we live in and how little some value humanity and the current history we are living, just for the privilege of seeing/making a movie that was "Ripped From the Headlines"
Dang I just tried to expain myself, went back to veiw it and simultaneously saw it moved to Humor. I really wasn't trying to be funny.