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Old 12-28-2007, 03:59 PM   #54 (permalink)
Currently sour but formerly Dlishs
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i know a little about autopsies in islam.. but if anyone needs more info, i know a few people that are well versed in islamic law that could answer some questions...

as far as autopsies go.. westerners may find it strange, but it actually quite common to bury someone the same day that they died. so i wouldnt consider it a conspiracy as such just because someone was buried rather hurridly.

my grandmother died a few years back in the morning. by noon she was buried. granted, the doctors knew what she died of, so there was no autopsy performed.

Bhutto died in the late afternoon/ early evening, so it would have been too late to bury her that day. she would have been prepared for burial the next day. but as a general rule, the sun shouldnt set twice on the deceased before they are buried.

autopsies are not forbidden in islam, though if it is not necesary, then it is regarded as desecration of the sacred. deceased are considered sacred, as they are 'returning back to God'. theres an islamic saying "ina lillah wa ina ilayhi raji'oon" which basically translates into "we are from god, and to god we shall return" hence the sacredness of the dead body.

as for the autopsies itself.. they arent forbidden, and would even be encouraged under certain situations.

for example: under islamic law, inheritance is is already prescribed, so you dont get the squabbling over who gets what later. however, if say someone killed their parents, then the child isnt entitled to recieve any inheritance.

so if there is doubt as to whether someone was murdered for example, and there was suspicion that the son did it, then an autopsy wouldnt be out of the ordinary in order to pinpoint the cause of death. this would also be the same with leadership and so forth.

in Bhuttos case, if it was obvisous that she had died from bullet wounds then an autopsy wouldnt be performed.

no conspiracy here. though it would work to musharrafs advantage that her burial be dealt with quickly if he wanted something hidden up.
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