Originally Posted by Herk
I appreciate your comments, but as, I believe, I explained above, I did not know where she was. It was after her work hours and she was not at home. It's that simple. Why do think I knew where she was?
This statement - "Well, six months came and went. Two months after six months came and went, earlier tonight, two deputies showed up at my door. My sister was still at work." - led me to believe she was still at work and that you knew this. If you explained later that you didn't, my apologies. I didn't see that part.
Originally Posted by Herk
There was a warrant, but it was an arrest warrant, not a search warrant.
legal entry would depend upon the state you are in most likely. Since they asked and then didn't, it's highly likely that your state is restrictive about this.
Originally Posted by Herk
Thank you for the kudos.
welcome, way to hang in there.