Originally Posted by Ustwo
OK I'll bite, explain the relevance to the topic at hand. You have already tied this into Bush and Iraq, I can't WAIT to see what you do with this one.
In the post that I linked to, and in this thread you authored,
....you demonstrated a contempt for "the process", IMO, that is clearly reversed in your posted opinions on this thread:
Originally Posted by Ustwo
....So you tell me whats better.
Scaring some guy a little so he gets his sister to turn herself in, or pretending everything is cool, leaving, getting the warrant and while I don't know the procedure for a 'dangerous felony warrant' my guess is that it could very well be EXACTLY as the cops described.
They were being assholes and scary and doing him a favor at the same time.
I also think pan is correct in his possibilities. I think there is more to this then a 'we will call you if we decide to press charges' going on with the sister....