Originally Posted by Herk
Lots of people have tough jobs. Many tougher than theirs. Does that make it ok for them to treat you and I disrespectfully?
Hence my saying, "Doesn't make it right, but I can understand it."
Originally Posted by Herk
How am I ignorant? What did I ignore? How did I harbor a fugitive? I did not know her whereabouts, and did not lie to them. I immediately called my sister and reported the mans phone number to her. I'm very curious to hear anybody explain how I harbored a fugitive.
I was speaking hypothetically, in response to earlier commentary. It's clear from your clarification (particularly about the refunded bail money) that you couldn't be accused of that. Even so, that wouldn't necessarily prevent you being arrested and charged with the offense, even though it wouldn't stick in court. If you'd been less polite and respectful in the assertion of your rights, that might have been the exact outcome.