Originally Posted by willravel
Anyone with the common sense and knowledge to respond the way Herk did, obviously knowing his rights, would probably also know the consequences for breaking the law. The scare tactics were intended to scare them into giving up their rights. That's a bad thing. Rights are there for a reason: to maintain balance. Just as they had a right to say, "No you can't come in and we don't know where she is.", the cops had a right to go get a warrant. No warrant? That's because there's not enough evidence for one. Bam. Justice.
I'm sure with felony drug charges and skipping bail the police had more than enough to get a warrant. Warrants are not hard to get these days especially if drugs are involved.
We can only go by what he said, and again, felony drug charges DO NOT JUST DISAPPEAR and are not even threatened unless there is something there, cops don't file drug charges just because they are assholes.
In the end the cops got his sister. They may have wanted to save Herk the embarrassment of having doors kicked in, the family charged with harboring and DFS getting involved.
Still talk to a lawyer first thing tomorrow and see what he/she says.
I still say based on what Herk has given there is far more to the story, Herk may have given us all he knows but his sister definately has more to her story.
The big thing for me is 8 months pass by and no one is looking at what happened to the bail money?
Sounds to me like sis skipped court, jumped bail, she could have intercepted mail regarding the court date and her jumping bail, etc.
The key is to see what kind of bail she gets now, if she jumped she will go to arraignment straight away and be held without bond until her court date.
Interesting story but needs more for any of us to achieve a true understanding, including maybe even Herk.