Originally Posted by Baraka_Guru
Though you are right that we should be grateful that we don't have to go through what Pakistan is currently going through. I just don't see your reason for drawing a comparison of Western "politics" to this event. Maybe you'd care to elaborate.
Because while we have make up conspiracies and several seem to see 'Evil Bushco' behind every event, there are places where such deadly conspiracies are real.
Very few of us can really comment on this beyond a 'that sucks' level. We are so far removed from the daily politics of the area that all we can do is parrot what others say that happens to fit our view. While I personally think it was just Islamic nutjobs, it maybe have been a state organized hit with state agents convincing the nutjobs to do it undercover, or it may have been something completely different. Its a culture removed from mine, points of view alien to mine, and not something I could feel any confidence in talking about.
Still it wouldn't be hard to imagine such levels of violence happening here under the right set of circumstances, but when complaining about our government, its good to keep a sense of prospective.