Originally Posted by The_Jazz
Post #24 may not (or may, if you read it in a certain light) be perfectly on the topic posed in the OP, but if we handed out warnings for wandering off the topic as posed in any OP, we would have no one left. host was well within the rules of both TFP in general and Politics in particular to post that comment. Anyone who thinks differently should PM me with the exact rule that he's broken, and we can discuss it in that format rather than here.
For my own part, I'm not concerned with whether post #24 breaks any rules. I wasn't arguing for any disciplinary action, even if warranted. I was only agreeing with otto's 'spam' label - or the thrust of that label, if 'spam' isn't quite the right word - and I stand by that agreement, although I'll agree with host that he wasn't really responding to much of a post either.
And on that note, I'll only add that two wrongs don't make a right, and that ignoring #21 would have been much more efficient and much kinder to (brace yourself for the hilarity) my poor little mouse wheel. Better than going off on a tangent, especially when that tangent already has four or five topics at arm's length.