If you can't be bothered to read an OP or a response directed at you, there are lighter parts of TFP—General Discussion, Nonsense, Entertainment, etc.—that can engage you and that you can engage in a smaller time. I can't see myself making a 12,000 word post in Found on the Net, but here? It's happened. If, for example, host created a thread which has several linked and posted articles along with a great deal of his own thoughts, and you can't see yourself giving that your full attention and reading it, there's a nice thread about the new Batman movie in Entertainment. Posting "I didn't have time to read the OP, but..." is a disservice to everyone.
To address the OP, this is a highly subjective question. One man's 'ideological spam' is another man's brilliant thesis on life. Aside from infantile posts including things like name calling, personal attacks, fallacies, etc., many of which break the rules of TFP, it's hard for us all to come to a decision about the quality of a topic.