Sooooo... I guess we're all going to close our eyes and pretend that the OP isn't a veiled personal attack on host? Or is it just veiled enough to fly? Has it successfully tested the line? Is it just vague enough that only 90% of regular Politics posters know who he's talking about?
It's a shame. If the people who whine about the length of his posts actually read them, the foundation of their views would be utterly rocked. Sadly, his medium makes his message all but indigestible. He and I have talked about that in PM, I'm pretty sure I'm not surprising him by saying this is how I feel about his posting style. The content he posts is challenging and hard for people to deal with, AND you couldn't really do it justice any other way, AND doing it this way ensures they don't have to deal with it but can instead bitch about their worn out scroll button. Catch-22.
Laying that aside and addressing the "issues" raised in this hit-job of an OP:
This is really simple. It's not like TFP is going to run out of threads. Don't like threads others started? Start some of your own. Ain't nothing perfect in this world, and TFP Politics is DEFINITELY in this world.
Trying to change the way others post is as futile as trying to push water back into a fire hose. And when the ones you're complaining about happen to disagree with you, it's just downright suspect. So stop either a) whining or b) trying to put a fence around content you disagree with, and start generating some content of your own.
Ustwo: Just because the world has provided ample evidence that now makes it impossible to defend your beliefs doesn't mean there's no quality discussion anymore. It just means it's gotten vanishingly difficult for you to win an argument. Blaming it on the damn liberals is poor sportsmanship. And it's just inaccurate. You'd do better to blame it on reality--which as Colbert points out has a well-known liberal bias.
Personally, I think the Christmas-to-the-troops-in-Politics thread was really interesting. The big reaction to how political it got was SO perfect, given what people were posting about how politicized the troops have become. That thread TOTALLY illustrated its own point. We hardly ever get anything so symmetrical around here.