Originally Posted by soma
Yesterday I heard back from a girl I've been dating and she said via myspace that she heard I was seeing other people while dating her. This simply is not true and I'm pretty pissed anyone would tell her that
I haven't contacted her yet, and don't know how to go about convincing her of the truth. I really have no idea how to proceed. it seems like I'm fighting an uphill battle because she's already convinced I'm dating multiple girls at once.
Oh Christ on a stick.
First, her thinking you are dating multiple women isn't all bad. It shows you to be a desirable male. Now she might feel she has some competition, this tends to help.
But thats not the freeking issue here....
Get her alone some place, kiss her on the lips, stick your tongue in her mouth and get at it.
Then you can forget all the other crap.
That or you can putz around, stalking her myspace page, wondering what to do next.
Odds are if she says no to the kissing thing, shes never going to want to anyways and you can move on. If she wants you she will, or at least not reject it outright.