1. Are you sure we are deliberately lying with the intent to lie? Or perhaps we just are following a tradition instilled in us from generations of modern nurturing of intellectual stimulation? That is what I consider it.
Imagination is a crucial part of the growth and empowerment of the Mind and exercise for Intuition. After all, Imagination is creativity, and creativity is the act of Creating, which is a function of humanity's existence. Allow a child to have an active Imagination, to brigthen the ability for a child to have an open mind hopefully throughout his or her life. And promote Imagination during the growing part of a child's development to let them know "It's okay to have an open mind and a creative mind". After all, this is the foundation of our philosophers, teachers, scientists, inventors, and leaders.
Imagination is a powerful and important tool, and Santa is a traditional character that helps us enliven it. Besides, children will grow to become men and women. And during the developmental process and their experiences in life, they, themselves, will discover by themselves (and of course with the help of peers) will discover "Hey Santa doesn't exist". When a child discovers for him or herself, as his/her mind grows intellectually, he/she will not be upset as if his/her world came crashing down to some "lie". Again it is exercising the power and growth of the Mind.
2. The character of Santa is subjective. Depending on how one wants to use this character. Both Capitalists and "non-Capitalists" (just a general term encompassing other political ideologies and systems like Socialism) have their own "Santa Claus" where Christian Christmas is celebrated. So it isn't necessarily a Capitalist-pig tool. It depends on how you want to use the character.
Yes, largely "Santa" is used to promote holiday impulse consumerism and materialism. But, when "Santa comes home" it is up to YOU and how YOU wish to use Santa. Children see the Capitalist Santa on TV, fine. But YOU are the most important ASSET to YOUR CHILD. How you feel, what you believe, say, and do has a larger influence on YOUR CHILD than the TV does. They will say "look daddy/mommy" pointing to the TV. But they will listen to you when you say, "that's not what Christmas is about...Santa teaches us to be charitable and caring...etc.". THIS will mean MORE to the child than the images on the TV.
And yes, I use the TV as the central party, but let it be the embodiment of all outside media that promotes holiday consumerism in both children and adults.
This is how I was raised. I received tons and tons of gifts from my parents, and for a time believed Santa provided them. However, Charity, Appreciation, Love, and so forth were the foundations of the ethics and principle in my household. So as I looked forward to Presents, I do remember not being driven by "having" and more the experience. And of course, I shared always. In fact, the older I got, the less and less I wanted gifts at Christmas, especially after the realization of Santa. As Santa faded away the lessons my parents taught me grew steadfast.
In fact, even from a young age I've always felt better helping and giving than receiving, as I've learned from my parents who also are extremely charitable in nature.
In conclusion, Santa isn't some "terrible lie" or tool of Capitalism. Santa begins as a match which further sustains the fire that kindles the candle of Mind and Intellect. Imagination is an important aspect, especially during growth during one's childhood. It'll translate into a creative and open mind/intellect later in life, as we grow and make the distinction between pretend and reality (fact and fiction). Lastly, Santa is shared by many regardless of capitalist behavior. But how Santa is used is dependent on YOU and your household, as YOU are the inspiration for YOUR CHILD regardless of what Uncle Sam has to say.
- Jeremy Rising