Jesus Christ!
I guess maybe I should have not even posted this thread at all! I merely asked for everyone to put ASIDE their political difference for ONE FREAKIN MOMENT and wish the best wishes they could for our troops who will NOT be home for the holidays. Maybe I SHOULD have picked a different forum than the political one because all I read are people making assumptions on WHY I posted it, and make me feel like I am trying to come up with some political twist to it. My intentions were totally honourable in EXACTLY what I had said. Nothing more, nothing less. I guess at this point all I can ask is that the mods either move this post to a more friendly location, or delete the whole @$$%!% thread! I can't believe that the people here are so stuck that they can't put asside their differences for a single damn moment.
With that, I am done here.
"It is not that I have failed, but that I have found 10,000 ways that it DOESN'T work!" --Thomas Edison