To turn something that simple into political grandstanding is self serving, demoralizing to the troops (because you show them to be nothing more than pawns for your own political agendas), self serving bullshit.
so the only grounds for rejecting the op are forms of self-aggrandizement?
but you, on the other hand, you are selfless and so posting a post like the above is a selfless act.
so you are dame edna, who gives and gives and gives.
and dissent "demoralizes the troops" because
because you show them to be nothing more than pawns for your own political agendas
so according to this particular logical nugget, there are no "political agendas" that explain the debacle in iraq--politics only enters into it when those of us who opposed and who oppose the wars in aghanistan and iraq mention that we oppose these wars, when we think of the connections between policies and outcomes--WE are the problem that interrupts the otherwise smooth flow of psychic friend messages that connect the troops in iraq, say, to what we are thinking collectively in the states.
so that means that problems in iraq follow from the existence of dissent, not from misguided, stupid policy choices by this administration.
nice pan. i recently heard a speech by goebbels from january 1943 during which he asked germany (by radio) to indulge a period of sustained psychic gymnastics in support of the german effort around stalingrad. "bring the storm" he said. if we all just think really hard, the troops will know and then stalingrad will turn out differently.
thing is that goebbels was insane.
but he genuinely thought that collective visualization exercises were part of a coherent "war effort"---that also meant that anyone who did not participate in these collective visualization exercises was part of a fifth column, sucking a the precious bodily fluids of an otherwise unified body politic: they were therefore parasites.
problems everywhere.
but hey--->
Negativity begets negativity.
i like the huge red font, though.
very xmas.