Originally Posted by ottopilot
may I use equivalencies from government, judicial, religious leaders, unions, special interests, political parties, or from any other position of influence or power?
Sure you can, if you can demonstrate how those persons or their former industry clients had a direct financial interest in the outcome of their regulatory actions.
Or perhaps you compare these two glass houses, re: Inspectors General whose jobs are to safeguard and protect the public interest from waste, fraud and abuse in the Executive branch departments/agencies.
Whereas President Clinton typically appointed nonpartisan career public servants as IGs, President Bush has repeatedly chosen individuals with Republican political backgrounds. Over 60% of the IGs appointed by President Bush had prior political experience, such as service in a Republican White House or on a Republican congressional staff, while fewer than 20% had prior audit experience. In contrast, over 60% of the IGs appointed by President Clinton had prior audit experience, while fewer than 25% had prior political experience.
Congressional report on politicization of Inspectors General (pdf)
Are these glass houses the same to you?
* * * * *
Until then, Merry Christmas, but you know it will never be a truly Merry Christmas for the Reaganites until this happens: