Originally Posted by shakran
This can be reversed. I personally find it interesting how much credit God gets without having to take any of the blame. "Oh thank God! We prayed and He saved our house from the wildfire!"
Uhh, what about all those other houses full of praying people that got burned down
"It's all part of His plan!"
So if everything happens according to His plan, why bother praying?
Strongly agreed. Good stuff: thank God. Bad stuff: His Plan, or our test...
You see, there can only be ONE truth. /// I also practice buddhist principals,
These two statements are in direct conflict with one another.
Not exactly... Buddhism as I understood it teaches you peace, serenity, merely a way of understanding. Buddhists praise the universe. Anyone religion can augment that to finding the way of God... if at all possible.
Originally Posted by shakran
Originally Posted by ays
But I feel like it would be foolish to assume the Bible is a certain way, and not try to find some meaning in it. You have 66 different books, written by 40+ authors over a 1400+ year span. ... Even if the big bang theory were true, and God didn't exist, and this was all random, the FACT that the Bible exists would be an absolute MIRACLE - 1 in a 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 chance of it all coming together.
Where did you get that, first off. And your argument is so generalized as to be meaningless. By what you're saying the FACT that anything exists is a miracle. The fact that a pornographic magazine exists is no more or less of a miracle under your concept than the fact that the bible exists.
I don't think porn mags are compiled over 1400+ years with the same girl as centerfold... This is the main argument for the bible, that there are so many books with the main character being the same. "It is harmonious in its message." I ask how easily would it have been to manipulate those messages, even back then, over 1400+ years time to make it say whatever you wanted?