You know--sectarian skirmishing aside--this is an interesting thread. It highlights the backfire of the right's politicization of the military of the last five years. Supporting the troops wasn't a military position until the Right decided to accuse anyone who dissented from their opinion of everything from treason to domestic terrorism. "Oppose the war? Why do you hate America and our troops? I support our troops and our president! I even have that bumper sticker! Since one is patriotic and brave, the other must be too!"
It's ever been thus; this was the same racket the Right ran--and VERY succesfully, too--on Jane Fonda. I suspect that my dropping her name will trigger some particular rightists to regurgitate the talking points that were leveled against her... Same bullshit, different decade.
I hope for our men and women fighting overseas the safest and happiest holiday season possible, given their circumstances. I hope the bastards in Washington who sent them there eat mistletoe and die.