Originally Posted by Derwood
Really? we're going to use award nominations as some objective proof of acting ability? do you need me to list all the undeserving award recipients, cuz i will
It's one indicator of subjective acceptance. Another would be ticket sales. Another would be reviews. Another would be interviews. Another would be fan sites. Another would be word-of-mouth. You said she was terrible. There are many who disagree with you. There is a lot of documentation to go along with this. This is all subjective, of course.
To have objective proof, we'll need to resort to the philosophy of art; we can start with Aristotle's
Poetics and could perhaps move on to Edmund Burke's
Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of Our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful. Let me know if you want to go there.
If you think she was undeserving of her awards, I'd like to hear why. Particulars would be nice. We can start there and end up on Burke if you like. But I suggest starting a "Jodie Foster: Thespian" thread, if you will.