It's sad to hear of his passing; Fogelberg was the subject of a (not mean) running joke in my family.
A few years ago, my father, in one of his less successful attempts to prove how cool he is to me and my brother, mentioned that when he was in college at the University of Illinois Champaign-Urbana, he hung around the music scene which included a young Dan Fogelberg. Neither my brother nor I had ever heard of him until a couple weeks later, when we saw Baseketball, which includes a joke in which Ernest Borgnine says something along the lines of, "you kids with your rock music and your Dan Fogelberg!" In the movie, this particular name check elicited a "who?" look from Trey Parker and Matt Stone. My brother and I immediately began needling my dad about this joke, and went so far as to buy him Dan Fogelberg CDs for his birthday.
Incidentally, if you look up Fogelberg's entry on Wikipedia, it mentions that he was discovered by the same producer who discovered REO Speedwagon, a group that also attended U of I while my father was there. My dad has stories about joining a good friend of his, who was heavily involved in the music scene there, to steal a stereo set back from the REO Speedwagon guys after they all got into a dispute over ownership!
I'm not sure if I've ever heard a Dan Fogelberg song, but I think I'll make an effort now to look up his catalogue. RIP.
"You have reached Ritual Sacrifice. For goats press one, or say 'goats.'"