Originally Posted by analog
Yeah, you're still wrong. You have rights, and don't know how to exercise them.
Eh... if you have to go through some paperwork and maybe secure a lawyer in order to protect such rights, then yeah, the rights aren't completely lost to you.
But then, the government isn't treating those rights like they are rights. The legal resemblance is closer to 'privileges'. Perhaps that is dk's gripe and the source of his insistence that he's not wrong. Or something like that, because I've the sneaking suspicion that you two are arguing different arguments.
(Then again, a default setting of "let nurses draw blood when you're incapacitated" kinda makes sense if you're of the mainstream, drawing-blood-isn't-evil, drawing-blood-won't-land-me-in-jail, yes-of-course-I'd-want-medical-diagnostics-done mindset. So I'm leaning toward your position anyway.)