Funny, I'm a happily married, regularly-fucked woman (haven't spent a night away from ktspktsp in nearly a year now), and I still managed to break the one vibrator I brought to Iceland (out of 4 or 5 total, the rest of which are sadly packed away in Pennsylvania till we get back). It was the trustiest one, but still a couple years old... it's called the Laya, very cozy and effective vibe made in Germany.
But I think what happened is that some water (or other fluid--yeah, it happens) got through the waterproof case and rusted out the connection to the batteries. So now, even with new batteries, it's not starting. The motor was already starting to buzz out for months before that, though. I don't know what I did to it in particular, but with all my vibrators, I push them pretty hard against the pelvic bone (crushing the clit between the vibe and pelvis is a good thing), which probably cracks open the battery compartment sometimes, I dunno. I've yet to have a vibe last for longer than a couple of years, though, especially the cheapo (less than $20) ones.
Maybe I should get one of those Wahl coils that Snowy has... they look pretty hard-core, and don't require massive amounts of batteries to keep them going.
And think not you can direct the course of Love;
for Love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course.
--Khalil Gibran