What do you grab when something goes bump in the night?
You can vote multiple times in the poll, so feel free to check if you would like to have something you don't have. For maximum accuracy, read on before voting!
Two part question, and can be answered by all members, weapon nuts and not.
1. You are in bed tonight. At 4 AM, you hear a window break. Tonight, exactly how things are right now, in your current state of readiness, realistically, what do you bring with you to investigate the noise?
2. It's now the next day, and a kid had just tossed a rock through your window and run off. However, now you're actually worried, and you purchase something to bring with you to investigate bumps. What would your ideal weapon for the purpose of disabling intruders be, without considering price (that civilians can legally own)?
My answers:
1. I have a .38 ACP semi auto in the nightstand that gets carried with me when the wife says "what was that? Go check on it!" She chuckled the first time that I brought it with me, to which I said "OK, either you think it's something, in which case I'm gonna be pretty useless confronting 'something' naked, or you think it's nothing, and I don't have to get out of my warm bed. Which is it?"
2. If I had one, my go-to would definitely be an 18" barrel tactical 12-gauge. I'm not in a very high risk area for home invasions, or I'd have already purchased one.
twisted no more