Little problem.
It is taking all my power as a mature human being not to scream a four letter word at the top of my lungs right now. Particuarally, I am thinking of the F word. Yea, that would be a nice one.
Well I went running.
This girl is 23. I am 19. Its not going to happen. GOD DAMN she is so hot and fun and humorous and happy and did i mention hot?
She's doing these freaking stretching things when were done. She has on the shortest shorts a runner could possibly find and only a sports bra. So here she is , on her back spread eagled with a big rubber band stretching her leg. her freaking ankle is up by her ear and I sweat I tried not to look but I could see her crotch (panties and all) and..well...more.
Damn I tried so hard not to look but damnit shes got some kinda of voodoo.
shes all happy and chit chatty so I do the same but I just keep thinking this could never happen. She is 23!
she is 4 years older than me and has graduated. Its just not going to happen.
"Hey, you wanna get togehter?
Sure, how about X (insert just about anywhere she would want to go here).
Oh sorry....im not 21."
So they invited me out to eat afterword and I said yes but while driving there i talked myself out of it and drove home instead.
I mean, wtf did I think I could do? These people are too old for me. I could not realte to anything they have to say. I probably couldnt even get into where they were eating (some sports bar). How lame is that?
The end.
Im gana go give myself a swirly in the toilet and just keep my head in there. For good.
Ps.. oh yea I forgot to mention they wasted me at about mile 4. They were running a 6-7min mile whereas I run about a 9 min mile at best (for a 10 mile run)
there is no absolute, only the moment.